Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007


As of 2.1.0 WoW will now automatically save your screen shots as .jpg, i.e. JPG format. This will cut down size immensely, but it will also cut out some details due to JPG being a lossy format. I've heard a lot of people requesting if it's possible to change the format which screen shots are saved in, for those people who want to change the format back to TGA you'll have to do the following (when 2.1.0 is out)

/console screenshotFormat tga
/console screenshotQuality 10

You can also look for the 2 lines in

SET screenshotFormat
SET screenshotQuality

Change them to what you want and start the game.

Both commands are important, the screenshotQuality is set to 3, which makes it look like a JPG, but in TGA format.

So this concludes my guide on how to change to TGA when 2.1.0 hits, and if you want it back to normal you can use these commands:

/console screenshotFormat jpg
/console screenshotQuality 3

Optionally you could could create an add-on utilizing this, using SetCVar ( )

As a person who does a lot with screen shots -- and who would rather not have her graphic quality bumped down significantly, all I can say is a warm thanks to Fiskerdin on the forums for writing this tip out for us. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go kill another character and take screen shots of it standing in front of the rez angel.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Monday, May 21, 2007

Pally...I love ya

2000 HP .....just running around. 2300 with buffs at lvl 37.....

Wonder what a chart of health lvls would look like, at 20 a mage is about 300, a rogue about 350, etc...

Would love to see something like that.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Horde !

The buffs

The buffs:
Retribution Aura(RA): Reflects damage every time you are hit.
Blessing of Sanctuary(BoS): This not only reduces damage taken by 14/19/24/80, but also deals 21/28/35/46 damage every time you block. Coupled with our shield spike (20-30 if you buy thorium), you're returning 40-76 damage every time you block.
Righteous Fury(RF): With our improved talent, this reduces incoming damage by 6%.
Seal of Light(SoL): Chance to heal yourself every time you swing. The bread and butter of Pally AoE.

ok...flushing out the Pally build

Well I love my new Pally, currently lvl 31....doing some talent tree research :

I agree with Guernia. The Prot-spec AoE build really shines when you get to level 34-35. Reckoning is single-handedly the best leveling talent, and with Redoubt, Toughness, Shield Spec, Imp Righteous Fury and Blessing of Sanctuary, you can take an incredible beating and take on multiple adds with no sweat, using Seal of Light judgements and seals to take on large groups of mobs. In my experience, killing speed vastly increased when I switched at 34 from Ret to Prot, AND you get the added bonus of being a vastly more effective tank for midlevel instances. It is by far the best build to solo quest with since handling multiple mobs is the norm (even multiple elites) rather than the exception.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Beezy returns !